Retiring a Hall of Fame Firefighter
The hall was crowded. I sat at a table with a group of young guys from Engine 42. Sitting next to me was a kid I helped train when he first came on the job. He was now a Fire captain with a reputation as a great Firefighter. He will always be a young guy to me. We talked about the old days and the many fires we fought during our careers. We were there to honor Senior Chief Mark Lafferty who was retiring after 37 years of service. The captain leaned over and said, "This room is like a Firefighters Hall of Fame."
Looking around the room I realized he was right. The men and women attending this retirement party were the best Firefighters in the world. A true tribute to Senior Chief Mark Lafferty. These men were not only good Firefighters they were exceptional people to boot. Many had served as union reps or Firemen Fund trustees. Even the former head of the Police Sergeants and Lieutenants Union, John Storm, was there. We were all present to honor a man who never lost his youth, who never let his running mates down, and was always a part of causes that helped Detroit Firefighters.
From day one on the job Mark Lafferty was a good Firefighter. He ran on a squad and that speaks to his dedication. He became a pension trustee and followed the path set by Harry Manual. A path of excellence and integrity. Mark took integrity to a new level. While sitting on the pension board he became a union rep. His progression in the union took him from battalion director to treasurer, to vice president, then to the top as President of Local 344 The Detroit Fire Fighters Association.
He protected our promotional system and kept it from the clutches of the political jackals who view it as a money pool for electing people to office. He was highly involved in saving fire companies from being closed. He worked hard to add six sergeants positions at a time when other unions were losing positions. He was smart enough to back Dennis Archer when he ran for mayor. It was the first time Local 344 supported a winner in 50 years. It paid big dividends for Mark’s Firefighters. One of the best things he did was to help establish a camp for children who were severely scarred from fire burns. During his time on the job he became a member of the clown team. The clowns spent many hours at hospitals entertaining sick children.
There were many presentations and many words spoken about what a great person Chief Lafferty was during his thirty seven year career, He will fade into retirement like a lot of us do but Mark will leave an after glow because of the impact he made on The Detroit Fire Department. He was one of a kind and we wish him well. The picture you see following this article says it all. Mark Lafferty is a Hall of Fame Firefighter.
"Fire Talk" Archives
- Benny the Hook
- Got To Love Texas
- The Fog of Retirement
- Two Tough Kids
- On Leaving the Department
- Cop Talk 3, Ceremony
- Putting it on the Line
- A Bond of Love
- God Will Protect Us
- Stealing Fires
- Poo Poo Pants
- Decoy Carver
- Firefighter's Road Trip
- Day Twenty-seven. Road Trip
- Down Mexico Way
- Zoo in the 7th
- A Gentle Landing
- Always a Firefighter
- Christmas at the Firehouse
- Harem Sacrum
- The Crow Who Spoke Polish
- Once a Firefighter always a Firefighter
- A Brotherhood
- Retiring a Hall of Fame Firefighter
- Anatomy of Forcible Entry
- 911
- Old Horses
- The Milk Wagon
- The Howling
- Tales of the Seventh Battalion 26, Destructo
- Memories of the 7th Battalion
- Running Mates
- Engine 32
- Last Alarm
- Tiger Stadium Fire
- To Moosenee and Back
- Memorial Day 2009
- Anatomy of a Fire at a Dangerous Building
- Tales of the Seventh Battalion 25, A Typical 7th Battalion Fire
- Boris the Talking Dog
- Wear and Tear
- Tales of the Seventh Battalion 24, Legends
- Axemen
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 23, Ankie
- Anatomy of a Dwelling Fire
- A Firefighter's Spring
- Input
- My Running Mate
- The Singing Fireman
- The Right Stuff
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 22, A Desperate Rescue
- 300 Spartans
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 21, Men Who Fight Bears
- At the End of His Rope
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 20, Wolf Warriors
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 19, Motorcycle Maniac
- Career Ending Injuries
- Detroit Loses One of Its Finest
- On Duty Injuries
- Unpractical Jokes
- Dedication in the Fire Service
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 18, Spare Parts
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 17, Passage to Hell
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 16, Gallant Warrior
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 15, Big Ones
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 14, Chicago Lil
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 13, Bridge Fires
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 12, Hot Stuff
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 11, Taco Wars
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 10, Day in Hell
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 9, Engine House Cat
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 8, Finding a Pen
- The Polish Squad
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 7, Wayne Soap
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 6, Junk Yard Goat
- The 1967 Riot in Detroit 3
- Department Legends
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 5, The Fonz
- The 1967 Riot (an entry from Tom Hart)
- The 1967 Detroit Riot
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 4, Howard
- The Buhl Building Fire
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 3, Engine 27
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 2, Roof Rescue
- Tales of the 7th Battalion 1, Explosion
- The worst 7th Battalion Fire
- Fire Incidents
- Beeler's Fog Monster
- Thoughts of a Retired Firefighter
- Dogs of the Realm
- Going to the Dogs
- Firefighter/Lawyer ?
- Moe Tales
- The Legend of Moe
- A POEM: When Brave Men Cry